Joined up thinking on a low emissions economy?
The Productivity Commission’s Draft Low Emissions Economy Report makes a very strong case that New Zealand will look and feel different in 2050, and we’ll be far better off with visionary planning and decisions. As someone who has worked on both climate change and water issues arising from our land use sector for almost two decades, I think the report correctly highlights the importance and value of joined up thinking (Box 7.3). What worries me is that the report’s many sensible recommendations only get us part way to the thinking that has to join up in our land-based industries, and in regulation coming from councils and central government. In particular, how regulations make nutrient management and emissions reductions work together will matter to farmers. The report highlights that Overseer, a tool currently used to estimate nutrient losses to freshwater, can also be used to estimate emissions. But it doesn’t highlight the degree of overlap between emissions management an...