
Showing posts from October, 2019

Submission on MfE's Freshwater (Action for Healthy Waterways) Consultation

If you're interested in my submission to MfE's Freshwater (Action for Healthy Waterways) Consultation , I've pasted the text below, or you can see it as a pdf . Personal submission on Action for healthy waterways: A discussion document on national direction for our essential freshwater This submission is from Prof Troy Baisden, holding the Bay of Plenty Regional Council Chair in Freshwater Science at the University of Waikato. My background spans watershed science and climate change, including a PhD in Soil Science from the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management at the University of California, Berkeley. I have spent a significant proportion of 19 years in New Zealand research working across the science-policy interfaces. I am a Principal Investigator in Te Pūnaha Matatini, New Zealand’s transdisciplinary Centre of Research Excellence in complexity and networks. I have contributed to the New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society’s (NZFSS) submission and ha...