
Showing posts from April, 2020

Covid Accounting: International Arrivals

There are some spectacular parallels between getting science into decisions to manage the coronavirus crisis, and the much slower issue of growth-beyond-limits in greenhouse gas emissions and freshwater nutrient accounting. In general, I think one of the most critical needs science can help with is fairly simple, unglamorous tables of accounts. Let's hide that in the back for a moment, and consider the interesting and somewhat surprising result. Social media furore suggests a need for this as we try to understand if New Zealand's level 4 lockdown is working. The problem I see is that a lot people continue to assume growth means cases are spreading, and possibly that there are many undetected cases. Half New Zealand's cases are still from overseas travel, and this was the vast majority of cases until the last 10 days. So with arrival stats now available, that can be paired with infection rates in countries of origin (I used Johns Hopkins CSSE time series ), what does a base...